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Engineered Landscapes

The Rideau Canal's Transformation of a Wilderness Waterway
Ken W. Watson

WARTS & ERRORS (a.k.a. errata) and UPDATES

Page 15 - last paragraph The Battle of Waterloo was of course in 1815 (not 1915). This typo has been manually corrected.
Page 22 - second to last paragraph "Abel Stevens" should be "Roger Stevens"
Page 30 - fifth line from top "Abel Stevens" should be "Roger Stevens." This and page 22 are the only two Abel/Roger errors - all other references to Abel and Roger are correct.
Page 48 - First Rapids (Poonamalie) - second paragraph The reference to the name Poonamalie meaning "Cat Hill" or "Cat Mountain" is incorrect (a similar sounding Tamil name has that meaning). The name actually originates from Poovirundavalli, a town near Chennai (Madras) in India, which became Poonthamalli and was anglized to Poonamallee. It was a garrison town for the British Army and speculation (Legget) is that the cedar-lined banks of the Rideau River reminded one of the British military men of a previous posting in India. Poonthamalli in Tamil roughly translates to Blooming Jasmin Flower.
Page 252 - Rideau Ferry The original name for Rideau Ferry should be "First Narrows" - not "First Rapids" (I obviously had rapids on the brain).
Page 279 Lisa Sonnenburg successfully defended her M.Sc. thesis on August 18, 2006. The final title of the thesis and citation reference is:"Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Submerged Landscapes in Colonel By Lake, Ontario Using Geoarchaeological and Geophysical Techniques,” by Elizabeth Sonnenburg, School of Geography and Earth Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, 2006
Page 287 Second image citation for 0149 is actually 152b.
multiple pages covering Indian, Clear, Newboro, Upper Rideau, Big Rideau and Lower Rideau lakes I noted in the book that new field measurments would update and refine the flooding depth estimates. New stump measurements, done in summer 2006 in Newboro and Big Rideau lakes, have changed the present day flooding estimates for all the lakes from Indian through to Lower Rideau (all are slightly deeper than previously calculated).

New Flooding Depths
Indian Lake
1832 = 9.0 to 11.9 feet (2.7 to 3.6 m)
2006 = ~ 8 feet (2.4 m)
Newboro/Clear lakes
1832 = 5.5 to 8.4 feet (1.7 to 2.6 m)
2006 = min. 6.6 feet (2.0 m)
Upper Rideau Lake
1832 = 6.9 to 9.5 feet (2.1 to 2.9 m)
2006 = min. 8.4 feet (2.6 m)
Big & Lower Rideau lakes
1832 = 3.0 to 5.0 feet (0.9 to 1.5 m)
2006 = min. 6.0 feet (1.8 m)

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©1996- Ken W. Watson