A 360 degree panoramic view of Chaffeys Lock
taken from inside the lock

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In this photo, the lock has almost been filled to the top (marked by the dark water line on the lock stones). Once the lock is full, the upper gates will be swung open by the lockstaff using hand winches (crabs). The boat can then proceed into the upper navigation channel (in this case, Indian Lake).

An intersting engineering note is that the upper portion (non water marked) portion of the lock in a guard against spring flood waters. An added feature to prevent the lock from possibly being "drowned" by excessive spring flooding is that the top of the solid portion of the gates is a half metre or so lower than the top of the lock wall, which will allow flood water to run through the lock, rather than over it.

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All photos on this page ©2001 Ken Watson
This page was last updated on: July 22, 2001
URL: www.rideau-info.com/canal/images/ptview/ptv-chaffeys-top.html
© 2001 Ken Watson